A Spark of Interest-Books to Read is currently accepting books for review, please take a minute to read the review policy before contacting.
A Spark of Interest Review Policy:
*updated July
I am happy for authors, publishers or publicists to contact me directly about reviewing books.
My preferred genres are:
Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, Historical Fiction, Historical &
Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Fiction, and Young Adult Fiction. I accept finished copies, ARCs, and other print versions for review. As of now, I will not be accepting e-books or PDFs/ I will provide you with my mailing address when you email me to let you know where I can receive a copy.
I cannot promise that all requests will be fulfilled. I have many requests and will accept them as my interest or schedule allows. When accepted, I will do my very best to fulfill the request in a timely fashion. I cannot promise that all reviews will be positive but they will be fair and honest.
I read and review on a first come/first serve or as per an agreed schedule. If you have a particular deadline or tour date in mind, please indicate this in your request to me. When reviewing, I like to include: a brief summary (minimal or no spoilers), my thoughts & opinions, an image of the book cover, and a direct link to the author's website and social media. Please provide any additional information that you would like included.
Reviews will be posted on my blog and may also be posted on:
GoodReads, LibraryThing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble.com, Facebook and shared via Twitter.
Review Policy is subject to change.
You can contact me by email at: hargur55@gmail.com